It's 11.45pm. I watching JAWS on HBO while trying to spend some time to pen down afew stuff that has been happening lately. I've been neglecting my blog for quite abit. BUT WHY?
So far its about events and stuff so I hope this post will be a little more personal.. About 2 weeks back, my neck was hurting. It may be a muscle strain or something but I left it unattended for 1 week. With the discomfort and mild pain not subsiding after a week, I went to see a Chinese
sengseh. Apparently, the root cause wasn't the neck but the shoulder/back area.
How is work you say? Well, what else is new? One word. Busy. I couldn't even make it for the Samsung Galaxy S 3 launch a few weeks back. Nevertheless, I still have my personal time during the weekends. I've been spending time with loved ones and of course, my Wizard in Diablo 3. We all need some fun and laughter right?. Laughter? Back in May, it was a whole month of fun and laughter at
PJ Live Arts as lots of shows were installed for Laugh Fest 2012.
I went for
Jenhan's BUT WHY on 27th of May, Sunday. As I'm writing this down, I'm kinda asking myself. How do I blog about...comedy stand up show. When it's stand up comedy, most of us might know international ones like Russell Peters, Chris Tucker, Dave Chappelle, Pablo Franciso and many other legendary stand up comedians.
How about Malaysian comedians? We would think about Douglas Lim, Harith Iskandar, Saiful Apek, and the list goes on *Okay I don't know that many* .
iPhone 4's camera rocks right?
So who is Jenhan? No, I'm not here to share about his history but you may check his site at
What I want to share is the experience. Is it worth your money? Malaysian comedian wor...funny meh?
Yes, I had bloody good time. I had a pair of tickets but sadly, I went alone as wifey was feeling a little tired. While collecting my ticket, I bumped into a friend who too was gonna watch Jenhan's show. Coincidentally, some of her friends couldn't make it for the show so I sat together with her(and her friends :P ).
I'm not gonna give any spoilers but his jokes revolves around current political situation. Speaking about politics, Ambiga was also at show. I wanted to take a picture with her but in the end, I didn't because everyone else were also queuing up. Harith Iskandar and some other special guests were also present at the show. Everyone was there to support Jenhan; gotta admire their love and support for one another for their passion in this industry.
Good show bro!
I know the show is over but tickets being priced at RM60, RM88 for 2 (early bird) and Buy-1-Free-1 (LIVE Card), I think it's a steal; especially if you're watching with loved ones. Thanks PJ Live Art for bringing such good comedy acts for us to enjoy. Strategically located at JayaOne, you don't even have to worry about food; before or after any show. It's very convenient as you have lots of cafes and restaurants to choose from; check out the list
For more information on upcoming shows and stuff, do check out
PJ Live Art and their
Facebook Page.
As for Jenhan, if you're reading this bro, how is your karipap? LOL